CrossTrack MTL

Material location, life and consumption tracking for composite manufacturers

No more time or material wastage Full traceability Reporting on material and kits

CrossTrack's flexibility and expandability will make it even more pivotal for us to maintain control over our material and helping with planning, purchasing and quality.

Systima Technologies, Inc. USA

Cost-effective material tracking software

Reduce material waste

Instantly see when either raw material (rolls/tapes/sheets) or kits are due to expire.

Instant traceability

Every transaction is logged and visible on-screen, with a PDF traceability report available in seconds.

Suitable for all materials

Track consumption of rolls (length), sheets (quantity), fasteners (weight) or paints/resins (volume).

Mobile App

Use low-cost mobile devices to get information on or transfer materials and kits between locations.

Industry 4.0

Complete the feedback loop within your manufacturing facility and benefit from better reporting data.

On-premise/remote access

As many of our customers serve the defence industry we ensure your data remains on-site, with the ability for wide area access if you wish.

Three months free trial.

Find out more Pricing

CNC Knife Cutting software


  • How much expired composite material do you throw away each month?

  • Do your staff always select the most appropriate material for a given job?

  • What amount of time and paper is used by staff to track material life?

  • How many errors are made when logging location or life?

  • Can you provide 'true' traceability reports to your customers? How long do they take to produce?

  • Can staff readily identify what items are in freezer(s) at any given time?

  • Do you want to get rid of paper, spreadsheets etc. that track composite materials innefficiently?

  • How many different systems do you have in place to track composite material life/location?


No initial outlay

With a three months free trial, get up and running with zero risk. Flexible licensing allows you to scale up or down licenses as you need to.

Up and running in a couple of hours

With full video tutorials covering both installation and usage the learning curve is short. Watch the videos on PCs, tablets or even a mobile device.

Low monthly subscription

From just €159 per month CrossTrack Material Tracking becomes your most cost-effective employee, with no lengthy tie-in period.

Track both materials and kits

Know both the location and life of your pre-preg rolls or tapes, and once they're cut track your kits until they are out of the autoclave.

Simple shop floor interface

Easily transfer rolls, tapes and kits between locations using barcode or the option of RFID scanning for complete hands-off logging.

Instant traceability reports

Either drill down on screen or generate a PDF on a kit, roll, tape or entire batch. You can also write your own custom reports to output instantly to Excel.

Document Linking

Associate files with material, batches and kits simply by dragging and dropping, so that staff have access to relevant documents from anywhere. Supports any file format.

Reduce errors

By adopting faster methods of data entry and pre-populating fields with defaults the possibility for errors is massively reduced.


The entire CrossTrack philosophy is to make you self-sufficient rather than reliant on the vendor, with the software just working transparently in the background.

Demo Video

See the software in action to understand exactly what it will do for your business.

Everything you need to know

This video walks through material types, batches and items, showing how the software is used on a day-to-day basis. Everything you need to know in under 12 minutes.

CrossTrack demo video
Material Life Tracking Software

Instant status information

CrossTrack Material Tracking uses the industry standard (and free) MS SQL Server Express database to provide live material location and life status for all connected users. Visual countdowns show the thawing status of any materials, and icons give instant identification of usable material.

Customise your view

Columns can be resized and dragged into your preferred order, and custom fields can be easily added. All settings are on a per-user basis, allowing each user to see the information that's important to them. CrossTrack also has comprehensive user-based permissions, allowing you to provide features to just the staff that need them.

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All CrossTrack customers run the same off-the-shelf product.

By providing total flexibility within the software with easy methods of data exchange, every customer runs the same standard product, meaning less support and simple updates.

Suitable for all facility types

CrossTrack Material Tracking (and the higher end CrossTrack CMS suite) are in use by both small and large companies alike. Whether you're a subcontract composite workshop or multi-national company such as Bombardier Aerospace, CrossTrack can be configured to meet your needs.

Shop floor interface

For functions such as material transfer the shop floor interface provides a simple way to transfer rolls or kits from one location to another. Rules ensure that items can only be transferred to preconfigured destinations.

Find out more
Transferring composite material

Transferring composite material

Comprehensive Reports

To comply with the exacting standards of todays quality driven industries you need to provide complete traceability. CrossTrack provides a complete history log on-screen for individual material items (rolls/tapes) or complete batches. Further more, you are just a right-click away from comprehensive, beautifully formatted and instantly generated PDF reports that you can ship with your finished parts to show full traceability from material delivery through to autoclave and post-bonding.

Custom reports

As CrossTrack uses the industry-standard MS SQL Server database structure comprehensive reports can be written easily and saved for future use.

Find out more


No risk

Simply register, download the software, request your 3-month free trial and get up and running with the online tutorials. If you decide not to continue just cancel your registration before the free trial period ends.

Flexible licensing

Do you have seasonal busy periods? With CrossTrack Material Tracking's flexible subscription you can add or remove licenses between each subscription period as required.

Pay quarterly or annually

After your free three months take a subscription plan that suits your business. Pay quarterly or annually, from just €159 per month.

  First LicenseAdditional Licenses
Monthly cost, billed annually €159€149 each
Monthly cost, billed quarterly €169€159 each

Want to purchase instead? Contact us for perpetual license pricing.

Billing period is in advance. An invoice will be issued 30 days before the end of the three months free period. Payment is required to receive extension codes.


  • What does CrossTrack Material Tracking do?

    It provides tracking of both material and material life of composite material rolls, tapes and kits. Many composite cutting companies still rely on paper-based track of material life and have no way to track location other than manual search. CrossTrack Material Tracking provides a simple and easy way not only to instantly see where your material is and its life status, but also to generate traceability reports, essentialy for the exacting standards of the aerospace industry.

  • Who uses CrossTrack?

    Companies of all shapes and sizes. CrossTrack Material Tracking is the entry level version of our enterprise composite manufacturing suite, and is aimed at smaller workshops, but even multi-national companies are interested in using it due to its SQL database, fast reporting and low cost. Customers (covering all versions of CrossTrack) include Bell Helicopter, Bombardier Aerospace, Hexcel, Systima, General Electric Aviation, Terma, Connova, Nieke Composites, and many more.

  • How do I get started?

    Simple: Complete the form below. We'll contact you to arrange a demo, or if you're ready to trial the system we'll provide you with everything you need to get started.

  • What support is provided?

    All software updates are included free of charge in the subscription fee. Online technical support is also provided free of charge. If you want us to take care of installation remotely a one-off fee of €299 is applicable.

  • Other solutions are much more expensive. How can you offer it at this price?

    By making the implementation process pain-free we reduce the cost of sale. Customers are self-serving, but with support when they need it.

  • Is there really no lengthy tie in?

    No. Once you complete initial registration you're free to use the software for three months. At the end of the second month we'll send an invoice, payable in 30 days. If you don't wish to continue using CrossTrack just let us know and we'll cancel the invoice. If, later on, you decide to start using it again just continue the subscription.

  • Can I upgrade to the full CrossTrack Suite, and what are the benefits?

    A. Yes, there is a full upgrade path.There are various versions of CrossTrack above the Material Tracking version, which offer features such as tight integration to nesting, allowing you to go from CAD file to NC code fully automatically. Other features include scheduling of jobs for machines, much more information relating to traceability, nesting around defects and tracking of life down to ply level. As CrossTrack Material Tracking uses the same MS SQL Server database structure and even the same installation routine as the full CrossTrack suite the process of upgrading is very straightforward. Note: It is strongly recommended that you upgrade your SQL Server Express database to a full SQL Server license at the same time as performing a CrossTrack upgrade to a higher version.

  • Does CrossTrack Material Tracking require the JETCAM Expert nesting software?

    A. No, CrossTrack Material Tracking is completely standalone. You can take advantage of JETCAM Expert's powerful nesting by upgrading to the full CrossTrack suite at a later stage.

  • What are the system requirements?

    A. CrossTrack Material Tracking can run on any version of Windows currently supported by Microsoft with .NET 4.8+. Minimum RAM requirement is 4GB (or 8GB for full MS SQL Server), with the application itself only requiring around 100MB of hard disc space. 16GB+ RAM recommended. Both CrossTrack Material Tracking and SQL Server Express could be installed on the same PC or can connect to each other across a network. If you intend to use SQL Server (not Express version) then it is recommended (but not required) to have this on its own server, due to increased CPU and RAM requirements.

    CrossTrack installs as a client/server application, but an instance of the client can run on the same PC as the server e.g. a single license system of CrossTrack can be contained on a single PC. While an internet connection is not required for CrossTrack to run, a connection would be needed to provide remote support. CrossTrack itself does not connect to or use the internet in any way.

Next Step: Contact Us

Complete the form below to register your interest or for you free three-month trial.

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