JETCAM Dongle Drivers

LDK, Hardlock, WIBU and Sentinel Dongle Drivers for local/ network

Which drivers do you need?

LDK USB/Soft license

LDK USB or soft dongle drivers

Color: Purple or soft license.

For use with JETCAM Expert (v20+ only). Support for other products coming Q4 2022. Uses the Thales (Gemalto/Sentinel) LDK framework for USB and Soft (no dongle) local and server licenses.

For more information on LDK visit To switch from a dongle to a soft license please contact your reseller.

Status: Current.


LDK USB/SOFT license drivers


These drivers are hard-coded to our LDK security vendor ID to allow for a soft-license to be installed, but they also work with LDK dongles. They do not include older Hardlock drivers.

Important: This file must be run from the command line (as Administrator). Type the following:

haspdinst_106286 -install

You can test the installation is correctly by opening http://localhost:1947 in a browser (NOT Internet Explorer). Click Sentinel Keys and you will see a line with the vendor ID of 106286. To the right you will see a Fingerprint button. Click this to generate and download the unique fingerprint of the computer. For more information and instruction videos visit

Size: 38MB


FFHPN Wibu Codemeter

Color: Silver with a blue removable sleeve.

For use with Free Form High Performance Nesting (FFHPN) version 6 and above, or if v5/5.5 has been updated to WIBU. Also referred to as Codemeter.

Status: Current


WIBU (Codemeter) FFHPN Dongle Drivers

These drivers will be required to run the latest High Performance Nesting module using JETCAM Expert v18.xx.xx, v19.xx.xx, v20.xx.xx, v21.xx.xx, v22.xx.xx, v23.xx.xx and v24.xx.xx.

Operating Systems Supported
• ALL Windows (32-bit and 64-bit)

As of October 13, 2023, security support for Windows Server 2012 R2 from Microsoft will end. 
Therefore, as of version 8.00 of CodeMeter, Windows Server 2012 will no longer be supported in Standard Support.


Hardlock USB

Hardlock USB dongle drivers

Color: Blue (two styles)

For use with JETCAM Expert, JETCAM Orders Controller and JETTerm. End of life support: May 2023. The drivers are no longer included in the current driver/JETCAM installer packages. Download Sentinel driver versions up to 8.31.

HOW TO INSTALL: Open CMD as Administrator mode after that browse to the unzipped folder, "Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_line_8.31", and use the following command in CMD: haspdinst.exe -i -ld

Status: Obsolete. More info


Hardlock Parallel

Parallel dongle drivers

Color: Black

For use with JETCAM Expert, JETCAM Orders Controller and JETTerm. These have been obsolete for some years and the drivers are no longer included in the current driver/JETCAM installer packages. Download Sentinel driver versions up to 8.31.

HOW TO INSTALL: Open CMD as Administrator mode after that browse to the unzipped folder, "Sentinel_LDK_Run-time_cmd_line_8.31", and use the following command in CMD: haspdinst.exe -i -ld

Status: Obsolete


Hardlock Server

Hardlock Sentinel USB dongle drivers

Color: Green (two styles)

For use with JETCAM Expert in a floating (server) environment. End of life support: May 2023.

Status: Obsolete. More info


FFHPN Sentinel

HardFFHPN Sentinel USB or parallel dongle drivers

Color: Black (USB) or white (parallel)

For use with Free Form High Performance Nesting (FFHPN) version 5.5 and below.

Status: Obsolete


Sentinel FFHPN Dongle Drivers

Must be installed on the PC/Server that is using the FFHPN Dongle.

Operating Systems Supported
• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)
• Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)
• Windows 8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit)
• Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)
